Orvado Technologies is your one-stop shop for custom web site solutions, quality work at affordable rates
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Below you will find a list of all of the services that we offer. Indicate which services you would be interested in by checking the box next to their names. Please understand that you are under no obligation to pay for the items you indicate. You are simply stating that you might be interested in ordering these services.

Database Services

Data Manipulation and Quality Assurance

Setup and Configuration of Database Software

Database Schema Design

Data Migration (Import / Export)

Data Backup Plan


Basic Hosting Package

Premium Hosting Plan

Professional Hosting Plan


JavaScript client-side scripting

Perl Scripting Language

ASP server-side Development

Web Applications

Maintain a list of common questions asked by your users

Login and Access Control

Featured Clients

Activex America

Part of Orvado's vast skill set is the ability to create effective email newsletter designs. The Arthritis Chronicle by Activex America is one such newsletter.
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