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Pseudo elements are used to break down elements into smaller parts allowing us to define different styles for each. A good example of this is the anchor "A" tag which has three different pseudo-classes: link, visited and active.

A:link { color: red }
A:visited { color: blue }
A:active { color: lime }
You should notice that the pseudo-classes are separated by the colon ":" character. In instances such as these, the pseudo-class only applies to the anchor element, so we can actually elimnate the major element as shown below:

:link { color: red }
:visited { color: blue }
:active { color: lime }
Psedo-Element Elements Meaning
active A Active hyperlink
first-line BLOCKQUOTE, P Applied to first-line of text for block-level elements.
first-letter BLOCKQUOTE, P Applied to first character of text for block-level elements.
link A Hyperlink
visited A Visited hyperlink

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Orvado was contacted by a major airline machinists union to help spruce up their existing site, while providing ease of maintenance.
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