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The PRE tag indicates content that should be rendered as pre-formatted text. What this means is that the browser should render all of the whitespace elements such as tabs, spaces and line-breaks just as they appear in the source.

The ending tag for this element is required.


Attribute Description
ID Identifies this tag to reference in script (program code)
CLASS Define the class used to render this element (defined by a style sheet)
WIDTH [DEPRECATED] This is a number which gives a hint to the user agent for the overall width of the pre-formatted text block. This width is defined as the total number of characters width.


       Higher still and higher
         From the earth thou springest
       Like a cloud of fire;
         The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.

Renders As

       Higher still and higher
         From the earth thou springest
       Like a cloud of fire;
         The blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.


HTML 4.01
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