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The button element allows you to create a button on a web page. Unlike the INPUT type="button" element, the BUTTON tag allows you to include content within a button. Buttons are primarily used to submit form information from one web page to another.


Attribute Description
ID Identifies this tag to reference in script (program code)
CLASS Define the class used to render this element (defined by a style sheet)
TITLE A title that is associated with the element (displayed as a tooltip in Internet Explorer)
NAME Defines the name that will be used to reference this element in the Document Object Model (DOM)
TYPE Must be defined as BUTTON for this type of input
VALUE Defines the label which is affixed to the button and is displayed to the user
DISABLED Presence of this attributes indicates the button cannot be clicked
TABINDEX Indicates the "tab order" for keyboard navigation of the web page input controls


<BUTTON> name="submit" value="submit" type="submit"> Send </BUTTON>
Renders As:


HTML 4.01
Return to HTML Tag Reference Overview

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