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Defines the default font to use for the HTML document. This element is deprecated and should no longer be used. Style sheets replace this functionality and should be used to define font styles.

This element should be placed within the HEAD section of an HTML document.


Attribute Description
ID Identifies this tag to reference in script (program code)
CLASS Define the class used to render this element (defined by a style sheet)
TITLE A title that is associated with the element (displayed as a tooltip in Internet Explorer)
SIZE Defines the size of the font and should be a number between 1 and 7
COLOR Defines the color the font should be drawn in (like #008000)
FACE Comma-separated list of font names to use. Font names on the local computer are searched and the best match is used.


<BASEFONT size="2" COLOR="#008000" FACE="Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif">


The tag is deprecated and will disappear in the future
It is replaced by the Object tag

HTML 4.01
Return to HTML Tag Reference Overview

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